Det blir det av min kropp under vintern.
Och NEJ jag ska inte göra plastikoperationer utan vi ska med min fysioterapeut försöka få min fot (akillessenan inflammerad sen sommaren 2009), mina knän (något fel i meniskerna), mag- och ryggmuskler (för att få min höft i rätt ställning) och axel (hoppar ur led lite emllanåt) i skick :) Jag har nu fått tillåtelse att springa de två sista tävlingarna för den här säsongen och sen efter det får jag inte springa före vi fått foten i skick. Jag har en serie med övningar jag ska göra två gånger per dag så nu hoppas jag att det börjar synas resultat!
Nu ska ja sova så att samma sak som hände idag inte händer imorgon. Min buss går kl.7.50 på onsdagar och jag stiger på vid domkyrkan ca.7.57 så idag tänkte jag vakna tidigt och gå iväg hemifrån 7.40 för att inte behöva springa till bussen. Enda problemet var att jag har tydligen stängt av väckarklockan i sömnen och vaknade 7.37... Jag var på träning igår på kvällen och orkade inte duscha efter det utan skulle duscha idag och det gjorde jag ju också... Så då fick jag i alla fall springa till bussen men hann i tid! (och var lika svettig och äcklig som före jag duscha...)
Så gonatt för idag :)
Emma är en flicka som lyckas med de mest underliga saker, säger de mest obegripliga sakerna och har de konstigaste idéerna
onsdag 29 september 2010
måndag 27 september 2010
På väg på...
...friidrottsträning om typ 10 minuter! :) vet inte om jag får springa ännu men det tänker jag skita i och gå och träna i alla fall (: Imorgon blir det fysioterapi så vi får se vad min fysioterapeut säger då :P Men det tar vi sen ;)
Imorgon borde jag få låna bilen för att hinna nästan i tid på jobb och nästan i tid på möte om någon fest där jag kanske ska sjunga och sen kanske hinna på scoutmöte efter det... Varför händer allt samma dag??
Nå, tack för mig för den här gången. Nu måste jag byta om om jag ska hinna i tid :D
Imorgon borde jag få låna bilen för att hinna nästan i tid på jobb och nästan i tid på möte om någon fest där jag kanske ska sjunga och sen kanske hinna på scoutmöte efter det... Varför händer allt samma dag??
Nå, tack för mig för den här gången. Nu måste jag byta om om jag ska hinna i tid :D
söndag 26 september 2010
fredag 24 september 2010
Just wondering...
I've been working in five different kindergarten for about six months now and I've had stomach flu once and I've just recovered from a nasty cold I had for about four weeks. I've had fever about 3 times and been coughing for several weeks. But after this year I'm going to be a super-woman who can't get any diseases because I've had them all and mutations of them all so it's actually quite nice to be ill all the time... haha... Well this last week I've spent at home was quite nice and I've had time to read through Facebook thoroughly and see what all my friends are doing now. I've been "spying" on the people in my former school "Kattan" and I realized I miss the time there a lot. I would love to go back a few years in time when I didn't have to worry about anything... Or I would not have had to worry about anything. Still I worried about the tests, I worried about what people thought about me and I worried about my future. When I think about all that now it just seems ridiculous. Everything was done for me and I just didn't realize that back then. Now, when I've just moved away from home and I'm working I realize how lucky I was and if I could write a letter to myself five years ago, believe me, I would do anything to be able to do that. I would explain how lucky I am and make me believe I'm good just the way I am. I would ask myself to do my homework and stop worrying about what other people think and just do things in your own way. Be yourself - it's totally worth it! It's not always easy but in the end it will pay off.
While writing this I started to wonder what happened to all the people I used to know really good. I found something I wrote four years ago and according to that my best friend in school was "Lina" (not using her real name). Today Lina is living in another country and I have no idea when she moved there or what she is doing there. Somewhere along the road something changed and we lost touch with each other. We both found new friends but I can't help wondering what it would be like if we still were really good friends...
Now I'm wondering what happened to all the other people... Alyssa, Alex, Teagan, Irena... who were my classmates in primary school. L, who moved, M, who just slowly stopped answering and kind of disappeared, B, A, T and all my other friends abroad. What are they doing now and how are they? I think it would be really interesting to meet them all and hear what they are doing. But that would be really hard I guess...
Well, this was just another moment of overthinking. Now I've got some important things to do :)
While writing this I started to wonder what happened to all the people I used to know really good. I found something I wrote four years ago and according to that my best friend in school was "Lina" (not using her real name). Today Lina is living in another country and I have no idea when she moved there or what she is doing there. Somewhere along the road something changed and we lost touch with each other. We both found new friends but I can't help wondering what it would be like if we still were really good friends...
Now I'm wondering what happened to all the other people... Alyssa, Alex, Teagan, Irena... who were my classmates in primary school. L, who moved, M, who just slowly stopped answering and kind of disappeared, B, A, T and all my other friends abroad. What are they doing now and how are they? I think it would be really interesting to meet them all and hear what they are doing. But that would be really hard I guess...
Well, this was just another moment of overthinking. Now I've got some important things to do :)
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